I am using systemd services on an embedded system. I have a web service that needs to restart bluetooth everytime it restarts. How do I write the unit file for this. Also the service I have is put into systemd/user and not systemd/system. I tried using PartOf=bluetooth.service but that didn't work.
# Human readable name of the unit
Description=Python User Service
#Link it to bluetooth
# Command to execute when the service is started
ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /home/root/MyServ.py
# Disable Python's buffering of STDOUT and STDERR, so that output from the
# service shows up immediately in systemd's logs
# Automatically restart the service if it crashes
# Our service will notify systemd once it is up and running
# Use a dedicated user to run our service
# Tell systemd to automatically start this service when the system boots
# (assuming the service is enabled)
On [Unit]
section you can reload services
PropagatesReloadTo=, ReloadPropagatedFrom=
A space-separated list of one or more units where reload requests on this unit will be propagated to, or reload requests on the other unit will be propagated to this unit, respectively. Issuing a reload request on a unit will automatically also enqueue a reload request on all units that the reload request shall be propagated to via these two settings.
It sends bluetoothd command to reload via dbus. Not kill daemon, just reread configuration.
Or on [Service]
ExecStopPost=/usr/bin/systemctl restart bluetooth.service
Or use override.conf
on bluetooth.service
systemctl edit bluetooth.service
And here put