I am using the Bot Framework to build a speech enabled Bot which handles various events, and triggers a Dialog based on the event. The Bot is connected using WebChat as the interface. As this is mostly a proactive scenario, there is no prior input from the user. As a result, even though the dialog is triggered, there is no output speech, since the speech is activated only if the previous interaction was via Speech. To enable output speech, I right now have to explicitly set the ChannelData of every outgoing activity with 'speak' property as true using activity.ChannelData = new {speak = true};
, which WebChat understands , and voices out the message associated with the Activity.
Is there a more efficient way to do this, by setting this property in a common location, so that all outgoing activities by default will be spoken out?
To run any code at all whenever the turn context sends an activity, you can use TurnContext.OnSendActivities
turnContext.OnSendActivities(async (tc, activities, next) =>
activities.ForEach(activity => activity.ChannelData = new { speak = true });
return await next().ConfigureAwait(false);
This is often done with middleware, but you could possibly choose to do it at the start of your main bot logic.