A co-worker made some improvements to my app, but at the same time, he changed the whole app to use MDI child forms. So where I used to be able to use ShowDialog() to make the subroutine wait until the new form closed to continue, now I can't. I adapted some old VB6 code to try and replicate the same functionality, but it uses DoEvents() and I've been told to avoid that at all costs.
At this point I can't help but feel like there's just a fundamental flaw in my methodology here, and that there is probably a far simpler way to accomplish the same task.
Private Sub Label_EditNode_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Label_EditNode.Click
Dim Frm As New frmVariableEditor With {
.Tag = "FrmVariableEditor",
.MdiParent = FrmMDIMain,
.Dock = DockStyle.Fill,
.Location = Me.Location,
.Size = Me.Size,
.myFieldName = "NodeClick",
.myResultText = txbNodeClick.Text
Call WaitOnFormUnload()
txbNodeClick.Text = Frm.myResultText
End Sub
Public Sub WaitOnFormUnload()
Dim bIsLoaded As Boolean = True
Dim FormName As String = Me.MdiParent.ActiveMdiChild.Name ' Form.ActiveForm.Name
Do While bIsLoaded
bIsLoaded = False
For Each f As Form In Application.OpenForms
If f.Name = FormName Then
bIsLoaded = True
Exit For ' breaks the for loop
End If
Next f
End Sub
Goes a something like this:
Private Sub Label_EditNode_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Label_EditNode.Click
Dim Frm As New frmVariableEditor With {
.Tag = "FrmVariableEditor",
.MdiParent = FrmMDIMain,
.Dock = DockStyle.Fill,
.Location = Me.Location,
.Size = Me.Size,
.myFieldName = "NodeClick",
.myResultText = txbNodeClick.Text
AddHandler Frm.FormClosing, AddressOf RetrieveBlahData
End Sub
Private Sub RetrieveBlahData(sender as Object, e as FormClosingEventArgs)
txbNodeClick.Text = DirectCast(sender, frmVariableEditor).myResultText
End Sub
Probably doesn't get more minimal than that, except for maybe sharing a single data object:
Dim Frm As New frmVariableEditor With {
.Tag = "FrmVariableEditor",
.MdiParent = FrmMDIMain,
.Dock = DockStyle.Fill,
.Location = Me.Location,
.Size = Me.Size,
.myFieldName = "NodeClick",
.DataSetToBindTo = Me.DataSetWhatever
You'll have to re-code your form so that it takes this passed in dataset (or other data container) and gets its data from it (databinding) .. then as the editor form is changing the data, it's actually changing the original dataset in the main form too, because they're the same thing