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BS4 carousel indicator highlights wrong image on click (active)

I'm making a BS4 carousel. I'm using Jquery to fetch images to display. The images is named 1.jpg - 72.jpg Everything works fine except the indicator thumbnails highlights wrong image on click.

If image 2 is clicked image 3 is highlighted etc.

I can't find out why this is happening.

here is a fiddle

I use this Jquery to fetch the images and append them to a div.

  for(var j = 1; j < 72; j++) {
$('<div class="carousel-item"><img src=" ./images/'+ j+'.jpg " width="100%">   
$('<li data-target="#carousel" data-slide-to="'+j+'"><img  src=" ./images/'+ j+'.jpg " class="img- fluid"></li>').appendTo('.carousel-indicators')
$('.carousel-indicators > li').first().addClass('active');
 pause: true,
 interval: true,

The HTML is just basic.

<div id="carousel" class="carousel slide" data-interval="false">            
  <div class='carousel-outer'>
    <div class="carousel-inner"></div>      
      <a class="carousel-control-prev" href="#carousel" data-slide="prev"> <span class="carousel-control-prev-icon"></span>
      <a class="carousel-control-next" href="#carousel" data-slide="next"> <span class="carousel-control-next-icon"></span>
<!-- Indicators -->
    <ol class="carousel-indicators"></ol>

The css

#carousel {
      margin: 20px auto;
      width: 1024px;
  #carousel .carousel-indicators {
    flex-wrap: wrap;
       justify-content: center; 
       padding: 0 15px; 
       width: 100%; 
       position: static; 
       right: 0; 
       bottom: 0; 
       margin-right: 0; 
       margin-left: 0; 

  #carousel .carousel-indicators li {
      background-color: transparent;
      -webkit-border-radius: 0;
      border-radius: 0;
      display: inline-block;
      height: auto;
      margin: 0 !important;
      width: auto;
  #carousel .carousel-indicators li img {
      width: 50px;
      display: block;
      opacity: 0.9;
  #carousel .carousel-indicators img {
      opacity: 1;
  #carousel .carousel-indicators li:hover img {
      opacity: 0.75;
  #carousel .carousel-outer {
      position: relative;

  .carousel-item-next, .carousel-item-prev, {
    display: block !important;


  • Most probably it happens because of the loop starting from 1 instead of 0.

    A possible fix would be to change the data-slide-to attribute's value to j - 1 instead of j:

      for(var j = 1; j < 72; j++) {
        $('<div class="carousel-item"><img src=" ./images/'+ j +'.jpg " width="100%"></div>').appendTo('.carousel-inner');
        $('<li data-target="#carousel" data-slide-to="'+ (j - 1) +'"><img  src=" ./images/'+ j +'.jpg " class="img- fluid"></li>').appendTo('.carousel-indicators')
        $('.carousel-indicators > li').first().addClass('active');
            pause: true,
            interval: true,