I'm trying to pass the following JSON object using AJAX, but can't see the data in the log file. How should I look for the 'data' part of my Ajax call in the API?
var jsObject = {
myIds : [1234,5678],
myType : 1
type : "POST",
url : "/myAddress",
dataType: "json",
data : JSON.stringify(jsObject),
contentType : 'application/json',
success: function(data)
console.log('Success', data);
error: function(data)
console.log('Failed', data);
Here is my API to show the data in the log file:
sub my_sub {
my $c = shift;
my %params = %{$c->req->params};
And this is what I see in the log file:
$VAR1 = {
'charset' => 'UTF-8',
'pairs' => []
Try this: $c->req->json;
Read more in Mojolicious::Controller documentation.