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R exams define a question with a numerical answer with more than one possible correct answers

How can we create a numerical exercise with more than one possible correct answer in the exams package?

How does the exshuffle option works? We are trying to shuffle the solutions inside the cloze questions, but in Moodle they never appear shuffled.


  • The exams package has no single num question that could have multiple answers. It is doable in exams2moodle(), though, in the following way: You make a cloze question consisting of a verbatim item. And for this you provide the explicit :NUMERICAL: code that treats multiple values as fully correct. The strategy is essentially the same as for partially correct answers, except that there are several fully correct answers, see: how to create a num question for Moodle with R/exams with partially correct answers

    Outside of Moodle you could consider alternative ways of asking the question, e.g., via mchoice or via cloze with several num items. For example, if you ask for the prime numbers between 80 and 100, then 83, 89, 97 are correct answers. Either you could provide an mchoice list of, say, five numbers and ask: Which of these are prime numbers? Or you could ask three num items within a cloze: Which is the smallest/medium/largest prime number between 80 and 100?

    As for the exshuffle: This only pertains to the answer options within schoice or mchoice questions (either standalone or as sub-questions in a cloze exercise). If you need more details, please consider asking another question.