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tox does not run sphinx

I want to run the following command from tox.

python build_sphinx -b html

I have configured my to build the docs when I run the above command from the console (I checked that from the console, that command makes doc).

Then I have edited my tox.ini as follows:

command = python build_sphinx -b html

setup.cfg as follows:

project = project_name
source-dir = module_name/doc
build-dir = module_name/doc/build

But when I run tox -e sphinx, tox exits with a successful message, but no docs generated.

Can somebody help me with this?


  • I'd not recommend using setuptools to build documentation. Consider instead using sphinx directly as tox itself does at Alternatively please post the exact output of the run with -vvv, or make the project publicly available for us to try it too.