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How to list all json key from LogEntry in azure KQL

I'm using azure log analytics workspace for crating azure monitoring workbooks.

Here is one parameter I have to create which will present All json key from LogEntry.

e.g. screenshot

LogEntry has details of @metadata, @timestamp and other keys.

Which operator I should use for getting all Json key under LogEntry.

I try below steps but there is no such a sub module it's showing.

ContainerLog | project LogEntry | evaluate bag_unpack(LogEntry)

I was reffering link but this parameters is not working in log analytics.


  • Although not mentioned in the blog you referenced, the bag_unpack plugin can be used in Azure Application Insights Workbooks as well.

    Application Insights Workbooks Example

    However, I'm afraid it won't work on the table in question, the reason being, bag_unpack(column) expects the column argument to be a reference to a dynamic column, whereas the LogEntry column in ContainerLog table is of type string.
