I require to have a running balance per Account Number.
I tried developing a function, but keep getting the wrong values.
See below Sample Data and how I currently calculate the Running Balance:
declare @tbl table (id int primary key identity, Sort varchar(100), MasterAccount varchar(50), SubAccount varchar(50), Amount float)
insert into @tbl (Sort,MasterAccount,SubAccount,Amount)
('1000_1','1000','aaOpening Balance',78137.58)
,('1000_3','1000','zzClosing Balance',278402.69)
,('2000_1','2000','aaOpening Balance',128023.65)
,('2000_3','2000','zzClosing Balance',208779.28)
, round(case SubAccount when 'zzClosing Balance' then 0 else sum(Amount) over(order by [Sort] rows unbounded preceding) end,2) RunningBalance
from @tbl
The results look as following:
The problem I am facing is the balance for the second Account Number (in this case Acc Number "2000") is calculated wrong.
I require the Running Balance to Start with the value 128,023.65 and end with 208,779.28.
To give you a better idea, my expected results would look like this:
How would I get the Expected results?
Your assistance is greatly appreciated!
I would do conditional aggregation with window function :
sum(case when SubAccount when 'zzClosing Balance' then 0 else amount end) over (partition by MasterAccount order by Sort rows unbounded preceding)