I am creating a trigger for my tables:- bank Bank(pin, deposit, withdraw, balance, accno*, sno) and balance Balance(accno*,balance)
I want to update the value of balance in my balance table after insertion in the bank table. I am using a MySQL server (wamp64 mysql8.0.18)
mysql> create trigger update_account
-> after insert on bank
-> begin
-> update balance as a
-> set a.balance=(case
-> when new.withdraw=1 then a.balance-new.withdraw
-> else a.balance+new.withdraw
-> end)
-> where a.accno = new.accno;
but the above code gives me the following error:- ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'update balance a set a.balance = (case when new.withdraw=1 then a.balance - new.' at line 3
DROP PROCEDURE my_procedure$$
create trigger update_account
after insert
on bank
for each row
update balance as a
set a.balance= a.balance + new.withdraw + new.deposit
where a.accno=new.accno;
My code is now working thank you all