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Paypal Integration with reactjs -node.js -Guidance on implementation

Usage of smart payment buttons by PayPal:

how to use the smart payment button in Paypal ? when I am rendering the button I am getting errors , this is the script which I want to use here :

I am using the useEffect to load the script :

useEffect(() => {
    const script = document.createElement('script');

    script.src = "";
    script.async = true;


    return () => {
  }, []);

after that , I am rendering the summary of the registration in card where I want to render this Paypal smart button

<Card className={classes.card}>
        <CardContent style={{textAlign:"center"}}>
            //registration details
        <CardActions style={{justifyContent:"center"}} >
         // renderPaypal invokes the function to render the button


Here this is the function where I render the button :

   const renderPaypal=()=>{
    return (
    // Render the PayPal button into #paypal-button-container

        // Set up the transaction
        createOrder: function(data, actions) {
            return fetch('/demo/checkout/api/paypal/order/create/', {
                method: 'post'
            }).then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(data) {
                return data.orderID;

        // Finalize the transaction
        onApprove: function(data, actions) {
            return fetch('/demo/checkout/api/paypal/order/' + data.orderID + '/capture/', {
                method: 'post'
            }).then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(details) {
                // Show a success message to the buyer
                alert('Transaction completed by ' + + '!');




  • There is a guide here:

    But if you want to use the code in the samples directory, there is this one for the capture intent:

    For your front-end web code, this is best:

    For refunding the payment, in the capture intent examples there is an example invocation of the refund method using a captureId :

    So that looks to be enough to figure it out how to use it