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Remove array element in MongoDB in Go

I have data in MongoDB like below:

{"_id":{"$oid":"5ed0cb4cb8d5570916d1ee7e"},"rolecode":"DHBK1_ROLE_05","productid":"XYZ_Platform","functioncodelist":["DHBK1_FUNC_1","DHBK1_FUNC_2","DHBK1_FUNC_3","DHBK1_FUNC_4"],"comid":"DHBK1"} {"_id":{"$oid":"5ed0cc67b8d5570916d1ef86"},"rolecode":"DHBK1_ROLE_06","productid":"LAM_Platform","functioncodelist":["DHBK1_FUNC_1","DHBK1_FUNC_2","DHBK1_FUNC_3"],"comid":"DHBK1"} {"_id":{"$oid":"5ed0d23cb8d5570916d1f4c8"},"rolecode":"DHBK1_ROLE_09","productid":"LAM_Platform","functioncodelist":["DHBK1_FUNC_1"],"comid":"DHBK1"}

And I have Mongo shell to remove DHBK1_FUNC_1 element from array.

Here is my Mongo shell:

  { },
  { $pull: { functioncodelist: { $in: ['DHBK1_FUNC_1'] }}},
  { multi: true }

Then I write Go code to implement my Mongo shell.

Here is my code:

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        var functionCode []string
        functionCode = append(functionCode, "DHBK1_FUNC_1")
    func deleteArray(functionCode []string) {
        session, err := mgo.Dial("mongo_uri_connect")
        if err != nil {
    c := session.DB("users").C("company_role_function")
    err = c.Update(bson.M{}, bson.M{"$pull": bson.M{"functioncodelist": bson.M{"$in": functionCode}}}, bson.M{"multi": true})
    if err != nil {

When I run my code, it showed this error:

# command-line-arguments
 .\main.go:86:16: too many arguments in call to c.Update
    have (primitive.M, primitive.M, primitive.M)
    want (interface {}, interface {})

When I remove bson.M{"multi": true} in line err = c.Update(bson.M{}, bson.M{"$pull": bson.M{"functioncodelist": bson.M{"$in": functionCode}}}, bson.M{"multi": true}), it worked but doesn't remove any element DHBK1_FUNC_1.

Thank you


  • I try to use Mongo-go-driver and it worked.

    But Mgo still doesn't work.

    Here is my code:

       func deleteArrayDriver(functionCode []string) {
       ctx, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
       client, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, options.Client().ApplyURI("link"))
       if err != nil {
       defer client.Disconnect(ctx)
       database := client.Database("users")
       users := database.Collection("company_role_function")
       _, err = users.UpdateMany(ctx, bson.D{{}}, bson.M{"$pull": bson.M{"functioncodelist": bson.M{"$in": functionCode}}})
       if err != nil {