I have tried different code-analysis engines and tools (like tern_for_vim) for Vim, but they do not provide such a great autocompletion, goto and rename functionality as in VSCode. As I know VSCode uses language-server-protocol technology to provide IDE functionality. So here is my question:
Is it possible to use VSCode language-server-protocol engine inside the Vim or NeoVim? In other words, it is possible to provide the same good quality of IDE-like functionality as VSCode do?
I have tried javascript-typescript-langserver with deoplete.vim, but the quality of autocompletion and goto-declaration was bad.
Yes, you can use it via coc.nvim installing which is a fork of VSCode. You then apply one of its packages for a specific language eg coc-python.
This is the installation guide for coc.nvim. You then need to install the language package with this command in (Neo)Vim:
:CocInstall coc-python
You can then use the default VS Code completion engine immediately (jedi) or upgrade to what will become its successor, MSPLS:
For MSPLS run the command :CocConfig
and enter this in to the file which is opened:
"python.jediEnabled": false
Then run :CocRestart
There are other other engines like coc.nvim such as YouCompleteMe. They all have small variations / tailoring for specific languages.