I am working with imblearn library of Python for undersampling.
Necessary code:
undersample = RandomUnderSampler(sampling_strategy='majority')
X_under, y_under = undersample.fit_resample(X, y)
Here X is my image dataset & of (120, 100, 100) shape and y is images' labels which is of (120,) shape. I am getting an error here. But if I give X of shape (x_value, y_value) then it works. Is there any way I can convert (120, 100, 100) shape of image data to (120, 10000) shape?
convert the image data into an numpy array and then reshape, that would solve it
import numpy as np
# assuming X is the image data of shape (120,100,100)
X = np.asarray(image)
X_reshape = X.reshape(120,10000)