Hy guys, i want to extract the in_features of Fully connected layer of my pretrained resnet50.
I create before a method that give me the vector of features:
def get_vector(image):
#layer = model._modules.get('fc')
layer = model.fc
my_embedding = torch.zeros(2048) #2048 is the in_features of FC , output of avgpool
def copy_data(m, i, o):
h = layer.register_forward_hook(copy_data)
tmp = model(image)
# return the vector
return my_embedding
after I call this method here:
column = ["FlickrID", "Features"]
path = "./train_dataset/train_imgs/"
pathCSV = "./train_dataset/features/img_info_TRAIN.csv"
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=column)
transforms.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225])])
test = Dataset(path, pathCSV, transform=tr)
test_loader = DataLoader(test, batch_size=1, num_workers=2, shuffle = False)
#Leggiamo le immagini
for batch in test_loader:
nome = batch['FlickrID']
image = batch['image']
with torch.no_grad():
pred = get_vector(image)
df["FlickrID"] = f_id
df["Features"] = features_extr
df.to_hdf("Places.h5", key='df', mode='w')
I have an error like this: output with shape [2048] doesn't match the broadcast shape [1, 2048, 1, 2048]
How can I take the in_feature of Fully Connected of this resnet50? The Dataset is a customized Dataset class.
Sorry for my bad english
The model takes batched inputs, that means the input to the fully connected layer has size [batch_size, 2048]. Because you are using a batch size of 1, that becomes [1, 2048]. Therefore that doesn't fit into a the tensor torch.zeros(2048)
, so it should be torch.zeros(1, 2048)
You are also trying to use the output (o
) of the layer model.fc
instead of the input (i
Besides that, using hooks is overly complicated for this and a much easier way to get features is to modify the model by replacing model.fc
with nn.Identity
, which just returns the input as the output, and since the features are its input, the output of the entire model will be the features.
model.fc = nn.Identity()
features = model(image)