First off, sorry for the vague title; I couldn't come up with a really succinct one. Here's my situation:
Let's say I have users, topics and comments in a vuex store. Users have names, a list of topics as well as the topic they have currently selected:
users: {
1: {
name: 'Tom',
topics: [1, 2],
selectedTopic: null // set to 1 and then 2 when user clicks "next"
2: {... }
1: {
title: 'Post!',
comments: [1, 2],
selectedComment: null
2: { ... }
1: {
title: 'Cool!'
2: { ... }
If a user is selected, I want to show their name. If a user also selects a topic, this topic should be displayed as well; they can also cycle through the topics. For every topic, they can cycle through the comments in the same way. Thus:
computed: {
// some getters
// ...
user () {
return this.getUser(this.userId)
topic () {
return this.getTopic(this.user.topics[this.user.selectedTopic])
comment () {
return this.getComment(this.topic.comments(this.topic.selectedComment])
In this case, the cycling works, but the console shows a TypeError: "this.user.topics is undefined" or "this.user.selectedTopicis undefined" at the start (only sometimes), which is true, of course, since we haven't selected a user yet. On the other hand, if I replace this with
topic () {
if (this.user) return this.getTopic(this.user.topics[this.user.selectedTopic])
I don't get any errors, but neither does the value update when the selected topic is changed. Is there a good way to handle the issue?
Based on a comment by Ivo Gelov, I arrived at
return this.getTopic((this.user.topics || {})[this.user.selectedTopic])
This seems to do the trick.