Good evening.
I'm trying to do a deep copy of some of the elements of a list, and I'm finding it extremely hard to do. There's a lot of new concepts I'm trying so bear with me if some of the following code seems weird...
I have the following lists:
accountList as List(Of Account)
accountsInArea as New List(Of Account)
result as New List(Of Account)
Where each element's type is a Class defined by myself:
Public Class Account
Enum AddingType
End Enum
Enum AreaType
End Enum
Property Area() As AreaType
Property Group() As String
Property AccountNumber() As Integer
Property AccountDescription() As String
Property IncomeExpenditure() As AddingType
Public Property MonthlyValues As New Dictionary(Of Integer, Decimal)
End Class
I need to find certain items of accountList
and copy the values to a new list: accountsInArea
. For now, I have used the following method:
accountsInArea = accountList.FindAll(Function(acc) acc.Area = area)
However, this produces a copy of the reference to those items the Lambda Expression produces (doesn't it?). If I understood correctly while surfing around SO and MSDN, what I need is a deep copy of the elements.
I'd like accountsInArea
to have a copy of all the items .FindAll
produced, including (especially) those in the MonthlyValues
I have tried:
accountsInArea = accountList.Select(accountList.FindAll(Function(acc) acc.Area = area))
For Each account In accountList.FindAll(Function(acc) acc.Area = area)
And lastly adding to the Class:
Implements ICloneable
Public Function Clone() As Object Implements System.ICloneable.Clone
Return Me.MemberwiseClone
End Function
And using inside the method:
accountsInArea = accountList.FindAll(Function(acc) acc.Area = area)
result = accountsInArea.Select(Function(acc) acc.Clone()).Cast(Of Account).ToList
Help would be GREATLY appreciated.
just implement ICloneable in your Class, and
Dim accountsInArea As List(Of Account) = accountList.Where(Function(x) x.Area = Account.AreaType.high).Select(Function(y) y.clone).Cast(Of Account)().ToList
here full code in your ex
Sub AccountListProg
Dim accountList As New List(Of Account) From {New Account With {.Area = Account.AreaType.high, .AccountNumber = 1}, _
New Account With {.Area = Account.AreaType.high, .AccountNumber = 2}, _
New Account With {.Area = Account.AreaType.low, .AccountNumber = 3}, _
New Account With {.Area = Account.AreaType.mid, .AccountNumber = 4}}
Dim accountsInArea As List(Of Account) = accountList.Where(Function(x) x.Area = Account.AreaType.high).Select(Function(y) y.clone).Cast(Of Account)().ToList
End Sub
Public Class Account
Implements ICloneable
Public Function Clone() As Object Implements ICloneable.Clone
Return New Account With {.AccountDescription = AccountDescription, _
.AccountNumber = AccountNumber, _
.Area = Area, _
.Group = Group, _
.IncomeExpenditure = AddingType.income, _
.MonthlyValues = MonthlyValues}
End Function
Enum AddingType
End Enum
Enum AreaType
End Enum
Property Area() As AreaType
Property Group() As String
Property AccountNumber() As Integer
Property AccountDescription() As String
Property IncomeExpenditure() As AddingType
Public Property MonthlyValues As New Dictionary(Of Integer, Decimal)
End Class