In a little bash script I simply try to trim GPS input data so that I have longitude and latitude values in separate variables:
echo $geo_data
GPS_latitude=$( echo $geo_data | awk -F"+|-" '{print substr($0,index($0,$2-1),1) $2}' )
GPS_longitude=$( echo $geo_data | awk -F"+|-" '{print substr($0,index($0,$3-1),1) $3}' )
echo $GPS_latitude
echo $GPS_longitude
But what I get out seems to confuse the +/- signs in front of each component:
I thought the index()-parameters would exactly avoid this situation, but obviously I did something wrong. Any idea how to fix this?
You need to subtract 1
from the output of index
not the field value
$ echo '-04.7367+055.5230' | awk -F"+|-" '{print substr($0,index($0,$2)-1,1) $2}'
$ echo '-04.7367+055.5230' | awk -F"+|-" '{print substr($0,index($0,$3)-1,1) $3}'
You can also use bash parameter expansion
$ s='-04.7367+055.5230'
$ a="${s%+*}"
$ b="${s#${s%+*}}"
$ echo "$a"
$ echo "$b"
$ # or, use the value of variable 'a'
$ c="${s#$a}"
$ echo "$c"