I'm using flyway database migration tool with a spring boot jpa project. When I run the server first flyway wants to migrate sqls, but tables have not created yet. In this case flyway returns an error which like
Caused by: org.flywaydb.core.internal.command.DbMigrate$FlywayMigrateSqlException:
Migration V1__countries_and_states.sql failed
SQL State : 42S02
Error Code : 1146
Message : Table 'wallet.country' doesn't exist
Location : db/migration/V1__countries_and_states.sql (/root/IdeaProjects/service/target/classes/db/migration/V1__countries_and_states.sql)
Line : 1
I configured application.properties file with these options:
I want that my migration will have been successfully done.
Can be used configuration properties like: flyway.out-of-order = true
. It says flyway works after hibernate/jpa has been created/updated tables.