Recently i came across a problem, given 2 integers A and B, we need to convert A to B in minimum number of steps. We can perform following operations on A:
again, we have to find the minimum number of steps needed to convert A to B.
The constraints are 0 < A, B < 10^18
My approach: I tried to solve the problem using Breadth First Search, adding all the possible reachable numbers from a step into a queue, but it fails on higher constraints i.e. time outs.
Can anyone suggest a faster alternative?
EDIT: A is not necessarily less than B
The list of available operations is symmetric: 2 sets of operations, each the opposite of the other:
.Hence it takes the same number of operations to go from A
to B
or from B
to A
Going from A
to B
takes at most the number of operations to go from A
to 0
plus the number of operations to go from B
to 0
. These operations strictly decrease the values of A
and B
. If along the way an intermediary value can be reached from both A
and B
, there is no need to go all the way to 0
Here is a simple function that performs the individual steps on A
and B
and stops as soon as this common number is found:
def num_ops(a, b):
# compute the number of ops to transform a into b
# by symmetry, the same number of ops is needed to transform b into a
count = 0
while a != b:
if a > b:
if (a & 1) != 0:
a -= 1
a >>= 1
if (b & 1) != 0:
b -= 1
b >>= 1
count += 1
return count