I am using angular 9 and ngrx 9
I have a selector that do like this :
.pipe(select(SettingsStoreSelectors.selectNavigationSettings), take(1))
.subscribe((settings: SettingsStoreModels.INavigationSettings) => {
let copy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(settings));
this.settings = copy.vrMapSettings;
This is the only place settings
is assigned in this component
In the component I then have a checkbox that edit a setting property
(change)="onSettingChange(settings, true)"
This keeps triggering
core.js:4117 ERROR TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'depthTestAgainstTerrain' of object '[object Object]'
But I don't understand anymore what to do. I deep cloned my store property, I want to edit to resubmit an action but it's not possible. why...
EDIT : actually I found out the reason why but I do not understand how to use it correctly then.
I deep clone the object like above from my selector
When a setting change, I dispatch an action to change the setting object in the store : this action setting object reference the same object that is used by the component.
this.store$.dispatch(new SettingsStoreAction.SetNavigationSettings({ settings: { vrMapSettings: settings } }));
Which call this reducer :
const SET_NAVIGATION_SETTINGS = (state: State, action: featureAction.SetNavigationSettings) => {
return {
navigation: {
But then, if I edit again, since the store reference directly the setting object of the component, it trigger the error....
If I deep clone here too
this.store$.dispatch(new SettingsStoreAction.SetNavigationSettings({ settings: { vrMapSettings: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(settings))} }));
The it works...
But if I have to create small action for EVERY property of settings, or deep clone for EVERY dispatch/selection of the store, there is going to be a HUGE flaw in the performance...
am I using it correctly ?
if need more information please comment I will provide.
You're right, a state should be mutated only via actions. In you case, if the settings object has a lot of properties, it might be inconvenient to create a different action for each of the properties. A copying of the settings looks like a solution but deep object copying complexity depends on the object size.
I can suggest you use immer to create copies of the settings. Instead of copying the whole object it reuses all its unchanged parts that works much faster.
export class MyComponent {
onDepthTestAgainstTerrainChange(change: MatCheckboxChange) {
const patchedSettings = produce(settings, draft => {
// draft remembers all the changes you've made and produces
// new immutable state based on these mutations, but takes all
// unchanged parts of the original object
draft.depthTestAgainstTerrain = change.checked;
this.store$.dispatch(new SettingsStoreAction.SetNavigationSettings({
settings: { vrMapSettings: patchedSettings}
Or you can create an action which accepts a patch function, like:
onDepthTestAgainstTerrainChange(change: MatCheckboxChange) {
this.store$.dispatch(new SettingsStoreAction.PatchNavigationSettings(sttingsDraft => {
sttingsDraft.depthTestAgainstTerrain = change.checked;