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Authentication by passport jwt and appending the req object with an object name 'user'

When using authentication by passport-jwt, does it always appends the req object with an object named "user"? Where does this name "user" come from?'/profile', 
    passport.authenticate('jwt', { session: false }),
    function(req, res) {

Does this code always append the req object with an object named "user"? From where is this name "user" coming?


  • This is the definition of passport.authenticate from passport source code line 12. So basically, passport.authenticate is a middleware it will do the data extraction and then bind data into req.user.

    * Applies the `name`ed strategy (or strategies) to the incoming request, in
    * order to authenticate the request.  If authentication is successful, the user
    * will be logged in and populated at `req.user` and a session will be
    * established by default.  If authentication fails, an unauthorized response