how can I get Decibel values of a wav/mp3 file I have every 1 second? using any audio library that works with C#..
something like:
Time: 0, DB: 0.213623
Time: 1, DB: 0.2692261
Time: 2, DB: 0.2355957
Time: 3, DB: 0.2363281
Time: 4, DB: 0.3799744
Time: 5, DB: 0.3580322
Time: 6, DB: 0.1331177
Time: 7, DB: 0.3091431
Time: 8, DB: 0.2984009
I'd really appreciate your help :)
I found a solution from examples given in NAudio Library. since the solution I found is so big. I'm not gonna post it here. so I'm just gonna give hints in case if anybody wanted to do the same thing.. NAudioDemo application -> AudioPlayBackDemo Folder -> AudioPlayBackPanel.cs File...