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Model-viewer outline

<!doctype html>

    <meta charset="utf-8">


    <script type="module" src=""></script>
<script nomodule src=""></script>
<!-- Use it like any other HTML element -->
<model-viewer src="shared-assets/models/Astronaut.glb" alt="A 3D model of an astronaut" auto-rotate camera-controls></model-viewer>


When you click on model viewer the outline appears, I am unable to remove the outline from the model-viewer how would one remove it?

When you click on model viewer the outline appears


 * This is mixin function is designed to be applied to a class that inherits
 * from HTMLElement. It makes it easy for a custom element to coordinate with
 * the :focus-visible polyfill.
 * @param {Function} SuperClass The base class implementation to decorate with
 * implementation that coordinates with the :focus-visible polyfill
export function FocusVisiblePolyfillMixin(SuperClass) {
  var coordinateWithPolyfill = function(instance) {
    // If there is no shadow root, there is no need to coordinate with the
    // polyfill. If we already coordinated with the polyfill, we can skip
    // subsequent invokcations:
    if (
      instance.shadowRoot == null ||
    ) {

    // The polyfill might already be loaded. If so, we can apply it to the
    // shadow root immediately:
    if (self.applyFocusVisiblePolyfill) {
    } else {
      // Otherwise, wait for the polyfill to be loaded lazily. It might never
      // be loaded, but if it is then we can apply it to the shadow root at
      // the appropriate time by waiting for the ready event:
        function() {
        { once: true }

  // IE11 doesn't natively support custom elements or JavaScript class syntax
  // The mixin implementation assumes that the user will take the appropriate
  // steps to support both:
  return class extends SuperClass {
    // Attempt to coordinate with the polyfill when connected to the document:
    connectedCallback() {
      super.connectedCallback && super.connectedCallback();

So I added this in file name focus-visible.js

added this to html

    <!-- The :focus-visible polyfill removes the focus ring for some input types -->
    <script src="focus-visible.js" defer></script>
    <script type="module" src=""></script>
    <script nomodule src=""></script>
    <!-- Use it like any other HTML element -->
    <model-viewer src="shared-assets/models/Astronaut.glb" alt="A 3D model of an astronaut" auto-rotate camera-controls>

and this in css :focus-visible polyfill{ outline: none; }

Am I doing something wrong?


  • Requires this script to be added as per model-viewer official documentation

    <script src="./_model-viewer_ Interactive Example_files/" defer=""></script>