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Running a combn function on different columns of a dataframe, one row at a time

I have the following data frame :

# A tibble: 3 x 4
  index number_1 number_2 number_3
  <int> <chr>    <chr>    <chr>   
1     1 32       16       29      
2     2 13       50       47      
3     3 37       19       18  

I would like to run a combn function with an parameter of 2 to every line of that tibble between the 3 columns number; that would yield a result along the lines of :

# A tibble: 3 x 2
  index combn
  <dbl> <chr>
1     1 32,16
2     1 32,29
3     1 16,29
4     2 13,50

I have thought of something like

theTibble %>%
               select(., number_1 : nulber_3) %>% lapply(FUN = combn,2)
               ) %>% View

but to no avail.

I would like a pipe friendly solution. What a possible solution would be?

Thank you for your help


  • You can get the data in long format, for each index apply combn function selecting 2 values at a time, paste them into comma-separated string (toString) and unnest.

    df %>%
      pivot_longer(cols = -index) %>%
      group_by(index) %>%
      summarise(combn = list(combn(value, 2, toString))) %>%
    #  index combn 
    #  <int> <chr> 
    #1     1 32, 16
    #2     1 32, 29
    #3     1 16, 29
    #4     2 13, 50
    #5     2 13, 47
    #6     2 50, 47
    #7     3 37, 19
    #8     3 37, 18
    #9     3 19, 18