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No matching distribution found while using pip

I've been trying to install Pybossa and I've been trying to follow these steps from the documentation, and this link too (which they're the same).

when it comes to using this command pip install -r requirements.txt it keeps running some installations and then and error occurred :

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement jeepney==0.4 (from pybossa==3.1.2->-r requirements.t xt (line 3)) (from versions: none)

ERROR: No matching distribution found for jeepney==0.4 (from pybossa==3.1.2->-r requirements.txt (line 3))

this is what's inside requirements.txt : enter image description here

I don't know why this is happening as i'm following the documentation .. so i'd glade if anyone helped me.

I'm using :

  • Ubuntu server 18.04
  • python 2.7
  • virtualenv
  • PostgreSQL


  • You are better off going for latest python 3. python 2 had its eol early this year. For new approaches it would be a dead end.

    I am on 16.04, but hope you can do the turn likewise

    • make use of native venv option, don't use virtualenv any more
    • during the setup you likely will get compilation errors. Those are due to the fact not having a fully equipped build machine. It's very likely that you need to apt-get install more or less dev packages to your system. It depends how deep you had done gcc compilation in the past. For me it was:
      • sudo apt-get install python3-dev
      • sudo apt-get install libsasl2-dev libldap2-dev libssl-devm
    • whenever you encounter compilation errors like this:

      Modules/constants.h:7:18: fatal error: lber.h: No such file or directory
      compilation terminated.

      you need to find the appropriate dev lib and add it to the system with apt-get like mentioned above by easiest looking the error up in your favorite internet search engine

    Steps for the setup of pybossa

    • python3 -m venv ./pb_env
    • . ./pb_env/bin/activate
    • pip install --upgrade pip
    • mkdir pb #shorthand for pybossa
    • cd pb
    • git clone --recursive
    • cd pybossa/
    • pip install -r requirements.txt

    feel free to ask again if you still get stuck.