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ClimaCell API json casting to POJO

I created an application that takes weather data from the ClimaCell API and then displays it on the page. Below I will show how it looks. Firstly Postman gives such results after sending the query:


Then I created POJO for this json, which looks like this:

public class ClimaCell {
 private List<Values> temp = new ArrayList<>();

 private List<Values> precipitation = new ArrayList<>();

 private List<Values> feelsLike = new ArrayList<>();

 private List<Values> humidity = new ArrayList<>();

 private List<Values> baroPressure = new ArrayList<>();

 private List<Values> windSpeed = new ArrayList<>();

 private List<Values> visibility = new ArrayList<>();

 private List<ObservationTime> observationTime = new ArrayList<>();

 private Double lat;

 private Double lon;

public class Values {
 private String observationTime;

 private LinkedHashMap<String, LinkedHashMap<String, String>> storage;

 public String toString() {
    return new ToStringBuilder(this).append("observationTime", observationTime).append("storage", 

public class ObservationTime {
 private String value;

 public String toString() {
    return new ToStringBuilder(this).append("value", value).toString();

All classes with


After executing this code:

    Object quote = restTemplate.getForObject(url, Object.class);
    var list = (List<ClimaCell>) quote;


The variable list & quote looks like this

list = {ArrayList@7179}  size = 1
 0 = {LinkedHashMap@7947}  size = 10
  "temp" -> {ArrayList@7955}  size = 2
   key = "temp"
   value = {ArrayList@7955}  size = 2
    0 = {LinkedHashMap@7957}  size = 2
     "observation_time" -> "2020-05-30T03:00:00Z"
      key = "observation_time"
      value = "2020-05-30T03:00:00Z"
     "min" -> {LinkedHashMap@7970}  size = 2
      key = "min"
      value = {LinkedHashMap@7970}  size = 2
    1 = {LinkedHashMap@7981}  size = 2
     "observation_time" -> "2020-05-29T13:00:00Z"
      key = "observation_time"
      value = "2020-05-29T13:00:00Z"
     "max" -> {LinkedHashMap@7994}  size = 2
      key = "max"
      value = {LinkedHashMap@7994}  size = 2
  "precipitation" -> {ArrayList@8009}  size = 1
   key = "precipitation"
   value = {ArrayList@8009}  size = 1
    0 = {LinkedHashMap@8011}  size = 2
     "observation_time" -> "2020-05-29T23:00:00Z"
      key = "observation_time"
      value = "2020-05-29T23:00:00Z"
     "max" -> {LinkedHashMap@8023}  size = 2
      key = "max"
      value = {LinkedHashMap@8023}  size = 2
       "value" -> {Double@8065} 0.0625
       "units" -> "mm/hr"
  "feels_like" -> {ArrayList@8068}  size = 2 //it looks like the above
  "humidity" -> {ArrayList@8070}  size = 2  //same
  "baro_pressure" -> {ArrayList@8072}  size = 2  //...
  "wind_speed" -> {ArrayList@8074}  size = 2
  "visibility" -> {ArrayList@8076}  size = 2
  "observation_time" -> {LinkedHashMap@8077}  size = 1
   key = "observation_time"
   value = {LinkedHashMap@8077}  size = 1
    "value" -> "2020-05-29"
  "lat" -> {Double@8050} 52.237049 //until this
  "lon" -> {Double@8079} 21.017532

and console returns such an error

java.lang.ClassCastException: class java.util.LinkedHashMap cannot be cast to class 
    com.weathernow.web.model.ClimaCell (java.util.LinkedHashMap is in module java.base of loader 
    'bootstrap'; com.weathernow.web.model.ClimaCell is in unnamed module of loader 'app')
         at com.weathernow.web.Service.ClimaCellService.getDailyForecast( ~ 
       com.weathernow.web.Controller.HomeController.getHomePageWithForecast( ~ 

Could anyone help me with this? I've tried in many ways to cast this list on the ClimaCell class, but it never works :(


  • Finally I solved this problem. Firstly, you need to create a good POJO (it was a hard case for someone doing it for the first time - this may be helpful), then I used gson to cast JSON into my own class

    String quote = restTemplate.getForObject(url, String.class);
    Gson gson = new Gson();
    List<ClimaCell> pojo = gson.fromJson(quote, new TypeToken<List<ClimaCell>>() {}.getType());

    And that's all :)