How can I use variable array keys for bindings in my custom component? In the following example, title must be 'Title 1 for default settings' if componenttype
is set to 'default', 'Title 1 for guest settings' if componenttype
is set to 'guest' etc. I tried to interpolate it in several ways, but nothing worked so far. Any hints?
v-for="item in items"
:title="item['componenttype'].title" <-- how to interpolate here?
data() {
return {
componenttype: 'default',
items: [
1: {
default: {
title: 'Title 1 for default settings',
guest: {
title: 'Title 1 for guest settings'
2: {
default: {
title: 'Title 2 for default settings',
guest: {
title: 'Title 2 for guest settings'
Your array currently contains only one object, with multiple nested objects. It should be:
items: [
default: {
title: 'Title 1 for default settings',
guest: {
title: 'Title 1 for guest settings'
default: {
title: 'Title 2 for default settings',
guest: {
title: 'Title 2 for guest settings'
With this the following should work:
<my-component v-for="item in items"