I use opennmt-py for MT and in the code any time I want to set a path I have to write all directory and it's not good looking when I have long directory. is there any way to set a string as the main directory and just add the file name to the end. I use google colab to train the model The code is like:
!onmt_preprocess \\
-train_src //content//drive//My\ Drive//Colab\ Notebooks//NLP//spring99//CA6//Corpora//En2Fa-Translation//train.en \\
-train_tgt //content//drive//My\ Drive//Colab\ Notebooks//NLP//spring99//CA6//Corpora//En2Fa-Translation//train.fa \\
-valid_src //content//drive//My\ Drive//Colab\ Notebooks//NLP//spring99//CA6//Corpora//En2Fa-Translation//dev.en \\
-valid_tgt //content//drive//My\ Drive//Colab\ Notebooks//NLP//spring99//CA6//Corpora//En2Fa-Translation//dev.fa \\
-save_data //content//drive//My\ Drive//Colab\ Notebooks//NLP//spring99//CA6//Corpora//En2Fa-Translation//demo//
and the code I want to be like:
path ='//content//dri`ve//My\ Drive//Colab\ Notebooks//NLP//spring99//CA6//Corpora//En2Fa-Translation//'
!onmt_preprocess \\
-train_src path+'train.en' \\
-train_tgt path+'train.fa' \\
-valid_src path+'dev.en' \\
-valid_tgt path++'dev.fa' \\
-save_data path+'demo//'
or maybe just can write all path in a variable and use it like:
path_train ='//content//dri`ve//My\ Drive//Colab\ Notebooks//NLP//spring99//CA6//Corpora//En2Fa-Translation//'
!onmt_preprocess \\
-train_src path_train \\
You may use a mere concatenation:
path='//content//drive//My\ Drive//Colab\ Notebooks//NLP//spring99//CA6//Corpora//En2Fa-Translation//'
!onmt_preprocess \\
-train_src $path'train.en' \\
-train_tgt $path'train.fa' \\
-valid_src $path'dev.en' \\
-valid_tgt $path'dev.fa' \\
-save_data $path'demo//'
must be followed with =
, not a space. There must be no spaces around =
. The path = 'text'
is wrong, path ='text'
is wrong, path= 'text'
is also wrong.$
: !echo $path'train.en'
will print //content//drive//My Drive//Colab Notebooks//NLP//spring99//CA6//Corpora//En2Fa-Translation//train.en
, &
, etc.