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How to get more than 100 rows using Airtable API using offest?

I am really new to the Airtable API and for some reason connecting the API this way did not work.

at = airtable.Airtable('Base_Key', 'Airtable_Key')

But I got it working this way -

get_url = ‘’
get_headers = {
‘Authorization’: ‘Bearer API_KEY’ }

Response = requests.get(get_url, headers=get_headers)
Response_Table = Response.json()

However, this fetches only the first 100 records and am reading about offset and pagination but I am unable to figure how to incorporate it into this code.

Thank you for the time!


  • After a lot of issues, I found this solution. Posting it for anyone else facing the same problem.

    global offset
    offset = '0'
    result = []
    while True :
        url = ""
        querystring = {
            "view":"Published View",
            "offset": offset}
        try :
            response= requests.get(url, params=querystring)
            response_Table = response.json()
            records = list(response_Table['records'])
            #print(records[0]['id'] , len(records))
            try : 
                offset = response_Table['offset']
            except Exception as ex:
                #print(ex , offset)
        except error as e: