I installed DbFit on my laptop and connected it to my local Oracle Database. I did the initial setup:
!path lib\*.jar
!|Query| select 'test' as x from dual|
This worked fine (after lots of errors and using StackOverflow).
Now for a more clean look and since it's needed for every page I moved this part to the SetUp page which will be automaticly included in every page I create:
!path lib\*.jar
When I then try to run I get the following message:
Anyone has any idea? The only simulair issue I found was here: Why cannot DbFit be imported in SuiteSetUp?
But this didn't give me any solution.
Thank you for looking at this issue and your answers!
I'm not 100% sure, but I expect the problem is that the !path line should be in the parent page and not on the setup.