So i want to make some profile and in the profile theres a bunch of data obviously and i want to make like this, im still learning on swift so how do i make this? i know it using tableview but is that mean i need 2 cell instead of 1 or how? and how can i make this with storyboard.
i want to make the ui of the profile like this, so its like theres section for language and section for account and so on. thanks for any help i really appreciate that.
Maybe I can point you to the right direction:
, numberOfRows(in section: Int)
and cellForRowAtIndexPath
titleForSection(section: Int)
or by providing your own UIView in headerViewForSection(section: Int)
of the UITableView.The design of most cells can be accomplished using standard UITableViewCells. They have a textLabel
, a detailLabel
and an accessoryView
. Iirc, you can even specify the color of the accessoryView
to make it as green as in your example image.