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Color of captions becames fgcolor (knitr, Rnw)

When using knitr with Rnw files, color of the font of captions created inside a chunk becames fgcolor.

This problem is similar to knitr kable: Text color in PDF from RNW is grey. This solution is not useful in this case.

Is there any way to solve this problem? Hacking knit_hooks$set(plot = myfunction)? How to? Thank you.

% Minimal.Rnw
Color of normal font is black.
<<fig.env='marginfigure',fig.cap="The color of the font of the caption is fgcolor">>=
    \caption{This color is black.}

Example of color


I publish a working solution for future reference. Benoit pointed out the key tick'hide'. Unfortunately, it does not write the figure environment. So I create a new hook called colorcaption, that solves this problem. Call this option with your desired color (black, red, green,...).

% Minimal.Rnw
knit_hooks$set(colorcaption = function(before, options, envir){
    ## Hacked from hook_plot_custom
    if (before) return() # run hook after the chunk
    ext = "pdf" #  original: options$fig.ext %n% dev2ext(options$dev)
    hook = knit_hooks$get('plot')
    n = options$fig.num
    if (n == 0L) n = options$fig.num = 1L # make sure fig.num is at least 1
    res = unlist(lapply(seq_len(n), function(i) {
        options$fig.cur = i
        hook(fig_path(ext, options, i), knitr:::reduce_plot_opts(options))
    }), use.names = FALSE)
    res <- paste(res, collapse = '')
    ## My hack. Put the color after the end of kframe
    sub("\\end{kframe}",paste0("\\end{kframe}\\color{",options$colorcaption, "}"),res,fixed=TRUE)
Color of normal font is black. 
<<colorcaption='red','hide',fig.env='marginfigure',fig.cap="The color of the font of the caption is colorcaption",>>=
    \caption{This color is black.}

Example of color in figure environment


  • This should do what you want, provided that the plots produced by your R code chunks are stored in a figure folder:

    Color of normal font is black.
    <<test1, = 'hide'>>=
    \includegraphics[width = \textwidth]{figure/test1-1}
    \caption{this is now the correct color}
        \caption{This color is black.}

    enter image description here

    Or you could (re)define fgcolor in your preamble:

    Color of normal font is black.
    <<fig.env='marginfigure',fig.cap="The color of the font of the caption is fgcolor">>=
        \caption{This color is black.}