I have a model with a queue and two machines, one of which is used just in case of overcrowding of the queue in front of these resources. My model has a simple Queue and a Delay block and I tried to mutate the Delay capacity based on a previous queue length using a function like this (written in Delay block capacity text field):
if (queue.size() > 5)
return 2;
return 1;
But it doesn't seem to work... is it possible to change the number of resources dynamically based on a condition?
the capacity value in the delay block is only considered in the beginning of the simulation, so it can only be considered as the initial value...
To change the capacity later, you can put some code in the on enter and on exit of the queue block:
delay.set_capacity(queue.size() > 5 ? 2 : 1);
Something like that.