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How can we change aws instances region from US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1 to Asia Pacific (Mumbai) ap-south-1?

I deployed all my app on an Amazon EC2 instance in US East (N.Virginia). Now I want to move it to Asia Pacific (Mumbai) ap-south-1 region.

I don't want to change my IP (which one I got from US East (N.Virginia)). And I don't want to lose any activity from the EC2 Instance.

Even I tried Move an EC2 Instance to Another Subnet, Availability Zone, or VPC, but did not get anything.

How can we change this?


    1. Take the AMI of the existing machine.
    2. Copy the AMI to the new region.
    3. Launch new machine from the AMI.

    NOTE: You can't keep the existing public IP because AWS has different set of IP's for different regions. To overcome this create a public domain in Route53 and create a A record and change the value of A record to new public IP, use your DNS name instead of public IP everywhere.