I'm trying to copy some information regarding an accessibility window option. Unfortunately, I can't resolve an error that's caused by the AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue method, despite passing in what appears to be all the correct types as parameters.
for entry in windowList! as Array {
let ownerName: String = entry.object(forKey: kCGWindowName) as? String ?? "N/A"
let ownerPID: Int = entry.object(forKey: kCGWindowOwnerPID) as? Int ?? 0
let pid = Int32(ownerPID)
//3. Get AXUIElement using PID
let windowAccessibilityElem : AXUIElement = AXUIElementCreateApplication(pid)
var position : CFTypeRef? = nil
* This line throws the error
let res : AXError = AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue(windowAccessibilityElem, kAXPositionAttribute as CFString, position as! UnsafeMutablePointer<CFTypeRef?>)
print("res is: \(res)")
I'm new to Swift, yet I've read and re-read the documentation on optionals and it really isn't apparent what unexpected value is being passed in- I think it has to do with the position variable, but from what I see I should be passing in the reference correctly. Any help would be apprediated.
You have to assign the pointer to the variable with the in-out operator &
var position : CFTypeRef?
let res : AXError = AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue(windowAccessibilityElem,
kAXPositionAttribute as CFString,
contains the error on failure.position
contains the position on success.In the documentation an in-out parameter is indicated by On return, ...