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Get type from typeguard's type predicate

Typically, a typeguard's type is defined as such:

(value: unknown) => value is Type

Where the highlighted part is called a type predicate by the documentation:

(value: unknown) => **value is Type**

Going even forward, we could say (I don't know how, if even, the docs defines this) that the value is the typeguard's parameter, is is a TypeScript binary operator/keyword for defining type predicates and Type is the type the typeguard actually guarantee, the guaranteed type. Since we use typeguards to guarantee a value's type, we could say that Type is the most interesting part of the definition.

Being such, is it possible to extract Type from the type definition of a typeguard? How?

I'm thinking of something like:

type Type = typeof typeguard; // (value: unknown) => value is Type
type TypePredicate = TypePredicateOf<Type>; // value is Type
type GuaranteedType = IsOf<TypePredicate>; // Type

Where GuaranteedType is the desired result.

Googling around, I've only found answers about generic typeguards type definitions, but did not get how to get the Type part from it.


  • You can use conditional type inference with the infer keyword to extract the guarded type from a type guard signature. Something like:

    type GuardedType<T> = T extends (x: any) => x is infer U ? U : never;

    And given some user-defined type guards:

    function isString(x: any): x is string {
      return typeof x === "string";
    interface Foo {
      a: string;
    function isFoo(x: any): x is Foo {
      return "a" in x && typeof x.a === "string"

    You can see that it works as advertised:

    type S = GuardedType<typeof isString>; // string
    type F = GuardedType<typeof isFoo>; // Foo

    Okay, hope that helps; good luck!

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