I'm trying to run my .NET Core 3.1 Applications by Windows Virtual Machine with new Visual studio 2019 IDE (my Applications not created in this Virtual Machine) but I encountered two problems first one is : VS couldn't restore all solution packages , second one is : So when I wan't to try to solve this problem by some commands using Package Manager console I encountered below problem
Unable to find fallback package folder '/usr/share/dotnet/sdk/NuGetFallbackFolder'.
Note : My Application has been built by (Asp.net core Boilerplate framework)
I found it, I followed below steps and everything worked fine:
first of all, you should edit the paths in project. assets file to become refers to a new project path.
Open Power Shell for the same directory that .sln file exist then run below command
PS E:\WorkSpace\VMTEST\5.5.0\aspnet-core\src\VMTEST.Web.Core\obj>dotnet restore VMTEST.sln
(if won't work, run the command again)
Ensure that you have cleared the Nuget caches.
clean your project.
Build your project.
close the VS and reopen it again.
In my case the above steps fix the problem (both problem Package console and restore packages problem).