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Here Maps Routing API V8 - mutiple waypoints

I am very new to the Here Maps Routing API v8.

I have tried the example provided here:

I have used the routingParameters as shown below:

var routingParameters = {
  'routingMode': 'fast',
  'transportMode': 'car',
  'origin': '50.1120,8.6834',
  'destination': '52.5309,13.3846',
  'return': 'polyline'

Now I want to add multiple waypoints in the routingParameters and I tried the below format for the same:

'via' : ['50.1234,8.7654', '51.2234,9.1123']

But the request is failing when I use the above line in the routingParameters.

Can you please suggest the correct format of the request with multiple waypoints ?


  • Check the version of the HERE Maps JS API you are using. This is supported starting from version

    So the way to calculate a route with multiple waypoints would be:

    // departure point (origin)
    var start = '52.550464,13.384223';
    // collection of waypoints
    var waypoints = [
    // end point (destination)
    var end = '52.477545,13.447395'
    // routing parameters
    var routingParameters = {
      'origin': start,
      'destination': end,
      'via': new H.service.Url.MultiValueQueryParameter( waypoints ),
      'routingMode': 'fast',
      'transportMode': 'car',
      'return': 'polyline'
    // Get an instance of the routing service version 8:
    var router = platform.getRoutingService(null, 8);
    // Call `calculateRoute` with the routing parameters,
    // the success callback and an error callback function
    // The implementation of the two callback functions is left out for brevity
    // see documentation link below for callback examples
    router.calculateRoute(routingParameters, onResultCallback, onErrorCallback)

    Calculate routes with HERE Maps JS API: documentation