Subject - A group of developer looking for Mobile Application Development guidelines(Preferably for Android platform).
We have been searching different sources for information regarding application design phase. Specifically different parts such as Sketching, Prototyping, Navigation flow diagrams...etc. We are more interested to know regarding Navigation flow diagrams. Could anyone please share some good resource where we can reference different types of annotations for our application state. In short...
What will be the best practise to describe my application's different states in form of diagrams? In order to circulate(in team) an idea of how our application will flow in order to accomplish user's goal.
P.S. Such guidelines should be provided by google? Or these sort of documentation objects should depend on individual design team?
Thank you in advance,
Happy Coding! Krio
I follow the style Google uses on their SDK, see: While they do not provide an explicit guide to creating these diagrams, the general principle is easy to understand and follow.