I am using lines like the below to send emails after submitting a form on my website.
So far everyhing works as intended.
Now I would like to set up my own server and would like to avoid setting up an email client on this server.
Can someone tell me what I have to add here to set this up to use a mailing server ?
Does this work using IP addresses or do I need an extra PHP file for this kind of set up ?
Note: My emails will only contain text and some basic HTML, no attachments.
I am pretty new to PHP and was hoping to get some help in getting started with this here.
My PHP (shortened):
// get submitted form data
$postData = $_POST;
// retrieve some post data to include in email
// prepare email
$to = 'someone@mail.com';
$subject = 'Some text';
$emailBody = '<html><body>Some HTML text</body></html>';
$headers = 'From: Someone <someone@mail.com>' . PHP_EOL .
'Cc: someoneelse@mail.com <someoneelse@mail.com>' . PHP_EOL .
'Reply-To: noreply@mail.com <noreply@mail.com>' . PHP_EOL .
'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
// set content-type header for sending HTML email
$headers .= "\r\n". "MIME-Version: 1.0";
$headers .= "\r\n". "Content-type:text/html;charset=UTF-8";
// send email
$mail = mail($to, $subject, $emailBody, $headers);
if($mail) {
header('Location: support.php?status=emailSent');
Many thanks in advance, Tom
Open your php.ini file an look for "[mail function]". You can specify your SMTP server/port/credentials there.
[mail function]
SMTP = smtp.example.com
smtp_port = 25
username = info@example.com
password = yourmailpassord
sendmail_from = info@example.com
Here you can set it up like your email client on whatever machine you have email set up.