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How to get checked button position in Android MaterialButtonToggleGroup

I have defined an MaterialButtonToggleGroup with 2 MaterialButton in my xml, in this way:


        ... />

        ... />


I found getCheckedButtonIds() method (that returns a List of Ids) and OnButtonCheckedListener (that returns an Integer Id), but the get(int index) method returns the View at the index position, not the View with a certain id.

How Can I get (programmatically) the View of the checked button in a given moment? There is a method returns the current checked position (or index)?


  • Since you are using app:singleSelection="true" you can use thegetCheckedButtonId() method to get the unique id of the selected MaterialButton in this group.
    You can use something like:

    MaterialButtonToggleGroup materialButtonToggleGroup = 
    int buttonId = materialButtonToggleGroup.getCheckedButtonId();
    MaterialButton button = materialButtonToggleGroup.findViewById(buttonId);

    You can also use getCheckedButtonIds() and cycle over the ids.

    List<Integer> ids = materialButtonToggleGroup.getCheckedButtonIds();
    for (Integer id:ids){
          MaterialButton materialButton = materialButtonToggleGroup.findViewById(id);