I try to use text wrapping in a sentence with different separators. This is exactly what I would like to get as an output:
'here are third-party[SEPARATOR1]extensions like[SEPARATOR2]Scener that allow us[SEPARATOR3]to watch content.'
Here is my first attempt with .join()
and wrap()
, unsuccessful:
[In] :
sentence = '''here are third-party extensions like Scener that allow us to watch content.'''
separator = '[SEPARATOR]'
text = separator.join(wrap(sentence, 20))
[Out] :
'here are third-party[SEPARATOR]extensions like[SEPARATOR]Scener that allow us[SEPARATOR]to watch content.'
Then, I have tried a for loop inside the separator, but without success too... :
[In] :
sentence = '''here are third-party extensions like Scener that allow us to watch content.'''
for i in range(1, 4):
separator = '[SEPARATOR' + str(i) + ']'
text = separator.join(wrap(sentence, 20))
[Out] :
'here are third-party[SEPARATOR3]extensions like[SEPARATOR3]Scener that allow us[SEPARATOR3]to watch content.'
Maybe combining .split()
and .join()
function can be a better way to do what I would like, but I can't find how. Please, do you have any idea about how to achieve this?
Here's a one liner you can try:
text = ''.join([(f'[SEPARATOR{i}]' if i else '') + w
for i, w in enumerate(wrap(sentence, 20))])