I am not able to make tortoisegit (win 10) to pull ONLY my remote branch info. It always pull all the remote branch info taking 5-10 mins.
What I tried from tortoise git
Internally tortoise executes
git.exe pull --progress -v --no-rebase --depth 1 "origin"
rather than below leading to downloading everything info
git pull --progress -v --no-rebase --depth 1 "origin" "kamet_556_108_py377"
I set the tracking branch to point to kamet_556_108_py377 ( Where is "remote tracking branch" in TortoiseGit? )
From Git bash console:
$ git checkout -f --recurse-submodule -B kamet_556_108_py377 origin/kamet_556_108_py377
Reset branch 'kamet_556_108_py377'
Branch 'kamet_556_108_py377' set up to track remote branch 'kamet_556_108_py377' from 'origin'.
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/kamet_556_108_py377'.
Can anyone point me what am I doing wrong here ?
I do not want to download all the remote info info every time when do TortoiseGit->Pull. Similar issue was reported by another user 4 yrs back [https://gitlab.com/tortoisegit/tortoisegit/-/issues/202]
As per that, I disabled tracking by remote branch as below and now I am able to pull only info regarding my private branch kamet_556_108_py377
under few secs (from mins)