I have a graphql subscription in nodejs as below:
const resolvers = {
Query: () => { ... },
Mutation: () => { ... },
Subscription: {
commentAdded: {
subscribe: withFilter(
() => pubsub.asyncIterator('COMMENT_ADDED'),
(payload, variables) => {
return payload.commentAdded.repository_name === variables.repoFullName;
You can see the topic this subscription uses is COMMENT_ADDED
which is a hard coded string. I am wondering whether I can create a dynamic topic name based on user request.
Something like below code. It subscribes the topic with payload.id
as its suffix. How can I do this in apollo server?
subscribe: withFilter(
(payload) => pubsub.asyncIterator('COMMENT_ADDED:'+payload.id),
(payload, variables) => {
return payload.commentAdded.repository_name === variables.repoFullName;
The first function passed to withFilter
is the subscribe
function, which is what determines the value of the payload. So it cannot be passed the payload as a parameter. The function is passed four parameters, the same as any root resolver -- the root value, the field's arguments, the context and a GraphQLResolveInfo object.