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Use a captured value as row identifier

I need to parse this raw data in order to process it:

Port        Align-Err     FCS-Err    Xmit-Err     Rcv-Err  UnderSize  OutDiscards
Gi0/1               1           2           3           4          5            6
Gi0/2               11          12          13          14         15           16

Port      Single-Col  Multi-Col   Late-Col  Excess-Col  Carri-Sen      Runts     Giants
Gi0/1              1          2          3           4          5          6          7
Gi0/2              111        122        133         144        155        166        177

To do this, I'm using TextFSM.

I would want this output:

['Gi0/1', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7']
['Gi0/2', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '111', '112', '113', '114', '115', '116', '117']

The first template I wrote is this one:

Value PORT (\S+(/\d+)?)
Value ALIGNERR (\d+)
Value FCSERR (\d+)
Value XMITERR (\d+)
Value RCVERR (\d+)
Value UNDERSIZE (\d+)
Value SINGLECOL (\d+)
Value MULTICOL (\d+)
Value LATECOL (\d+)
Value EXCESSCOL (\d+)
Value CARRISEN (\d+)
Value RUNTS (\d+)
Value GIANTS (\d+)

  ^Port\s+Align-Err.* -> FIRST
  ^Port\s+Single-Col.* -> SECOND

  ^${PORT}\s+${ALIGNERR}\s+${FCSERR}\s+${XMITERR}\s+${RCVERR}\s+${UNDERSIZE}\s+${OUTDISCARDS} -> Continue.Record

  ^${PORT}\s+${SINGLECOL}\s+${MULTICOL}\s+${LATECOL}\s+${EXCESSCOL}\s+${CARRISEN}\s+${RUNTS}\s+${GIANTS} -> Record

However, the output is not right:

['Gi0/1', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
['Gi0/2', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
['Gi0/1', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
['Gi0/2', '111', '122', '133', '144', '155', '166', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']

I found a post on the forum giving a solution in pure Regex: TextFSM logic - Avoid capturing same data twice

When I adapt it to my needs, I have a match for what I need:

However, I'm unable to translate it in a TextFSM template, it fails. Here is my template:

Value PORT (\S+(/\d+)?)
Value ALIGNERR (\d+)
Value FCSERR (\d+)
Value XMITERR (\d+)
Value RCVERR (\d+)
Value UNDERSIZE (\d+)
Value SINGLECOL (\d+)
Value MULTICOL (\d+)
Value LATECOL (\d+)
Value EXCESSCOL (\d+)
Value CARRISEN (\d+)
Value RUNTS (\d+)
Value GIANTS (\d+)


Any clue about why I don't have any matches? I'm a beginner in Regex, and I can't seem to find the solution...

Any help would be very welcome :). Thanks in advance!


  • I finally managed to do what I want.

    My team wished to use Ansible for the formatting, so I had to improvise a bit.

    I used ntc-ansible for that.

    With the help of members of the NTC Slack, I finally got it working. Here's what I came up with:

    A functionality that is very poorly documented on the TextFSM repo is that you can, in an index file, combine two templates that share a common "Key" attribute.

    So I created two templates:

    Value Key PORT (\S+(/\d+)+) 
    Value ALIGNERR (\d+) 
    Value FCSERR (\d+) 
    Value XMITERR (\d+) 
    Value RCVERR (\d+) 
    Value UNDERSIZE (\d+) 
    Value OUTDISCARDS (\d+) 
      ^Port\s+Align-Err.* -> Begin
     ^${PORT}\s+${ALIGNERR}\s+${FCSERR}\s+${XMITERR}\s+${RCVERR}\s+${UNDERSIZE}\s+${OUTDISCARDS} -> Record
          ^Port\s+Single-Col.* -> End


    Value Key PORT (\S+(/\d+)+) 
    Value SINGLECOL (\d+) 
    Value MULTICOL (\d+) 
    Value LATECOL (\d+) 
    Value EXCESSCOL (\d+) 
    Value CARRISEN (\d+) 
    Value RUNTS (\d+) 
    Value GIANTS (\d+)
      ^Port\s+Single-Col.* -> Begin
    ^${PORT}\s+${SINGLECOL}\s+${MULTICOL}\s+${LATECOL}\s+${EXCESSCOL}\s+${CARRISEN}\s+${RUNTS}\s+${GIANTS} -> Record

    Then, I created an index file containing this:

    Template, Hostname, Vendor, Command
    show_int_counter_errors1.template:show_int_counter_errors2.template, .*, cisco_ios, sh[[ow]] int[[erfaces]] cou[[nter]] er[[rors]]

    You can test it in Python with this little script:

    import textfsm
    import sys
    from textfsm import clitable
    # Define Input Data
    input_data =
    # Initialise CliTable with the content of the 'index' file.
    cli_table = clitable.CliTable('index', '.')
    # Firstly we will use attributes to match a 'show version' command on a Cisco device.
    attributes = {'Command': sys.argv[1], 'Vendor': 'cisco_ios'}
    # Parse Data
    cli_table.ParseCmd(input_data, attributes)

    To launch it, just use this command:

    python3 'show interface counter errors' < show_int_counter_errors.txt

    To use it in Ansible, after installing ntc-ansible, create a 'templates' directory, put the index file and the template files in it, and specify the directory path in the playbook:

    - hosts: all
      connection: local
      gather_facts: no
        - name: Formatting the errors
            connection: ssh
            platform: cisco_ios
            command: 'show interfaces counter errors'
            use_templates: True
            template_dir: 'PATH/TO/TEMPLATES/DIRECTORY'
            host: "{{ ansible_host }}"
            username: "{{ ansible_user }}"
            password: "{{ ansible_password }}"
     register: interface_errors
        - name: Display the registered variable
            var: interface_errors

    Hope this can help anybody :).