I have question about Laravel.
I want display SEO tag automatically from Database but I do not know how to do.
I have route like this
Route::get('/', [
'uses' => 'SeoController@index',
'as' => 'homepage'
Route::get('/about', [
'uses' => 'SeoController@index',
'as' => 'about'
From SeoController
I want to display view base on Route
public function index()
switch ($route) {
case '/':
$title = "Homepage";
return view('welcome', ['title'=> $title]);
case '/about':
$title = "About page";
return view('about', ['title'=> $title]);
How can I check $route to know which route come?
Thank you so much
I would love to suggest a better way of doing this in Laravel.
In Laravel, you would want to define different controller methods for each pages and return a view like so:
class SeoController extends Controller
public function home()
return view('home');
public function about()
return view('about');
public function contact()
return view('contact');
Ensure you have the routes registered in web.php
Route::get('/', [
'uses' => 'SeoController@home',
'as' => 'homepage'
Route::get('/about', [
'uses' => 'SeoController@about',
'as' => 'about'
Route::get('/contact', [
'uses' => 'SeoController@contact',
'as' => 'contact'
And also ensure you have the corresponding blade file for each of these views in the view folder.