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Getting widgetId from reCAPTCHA v2 from g-recaptcha tag?

Hi this is my first attempt posting question here.

I want to know if I can ever get widgetId from the g-recaptcha tag and not from the returning value of grecaptcha.render() of reCAPTCHA v2.

The reason behind this is that I have 2 different scripts that handles each 2 forms on a same page. I want to be able to reset the reCAPTCHA individually.

Each scripts have thier own onload callback that supposed to get their own widgetId. But this does not work because it seems there is only 1 onload callback functions can be called by the url parameter of the google reCAPTCHA code.

I couldn't have multiple onload callback functions set to the recaptcha source url like below.



So I thought maybe I can get the widget Id from the g-recaptcha tag after loaded...

Any idea or solution???


  • Is the question how to have 2 callbacks? How about: "...onload=twoCallbacks"

    function twoCallbacks(...args){