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Flutter - Pop until a screen without route

I have a Flutter app that starts like this :

void main() async {

  // Check if user is logged in

      home: (isLoggedIn) ? MainPage() : PageLogin(),

My MainPage (and my LoginPage) are just 2 regular Stateful Widgets.

class MainPage extends StatefulWidget {
  MainPage({Key key, this.selectedPageDefault = 0}) : super(key: key);

  _MainPageState createState() => _MainPageState();

Let's say I have 2 more pages, just like MainPage : PageOne and PageTwo.
When I click on a button on MainPage, it takes me to PageOne, and when I click on a button on PageOne, it takes me to PageTwo.
I go to them using :

    builder: (context) => PageOne(), // Or PageTwo

Now, when I click on a button in PageTwo, I want to go back to MainPage.
I could use Navigator.of(context).popUntil(...), however it needs to use routes, and I did not go to MainPage using a route.

This is just an example, but on the real app I have more than just 2 pages after MainPage, so I can't just use pushReplacement or a tricky way to achieve this.

How can I go back to MainPage ?


  • Use this Navigator.of(context).popUntil((route) => route.isFirst)