I entered the following grammar in JFlap:
E → TK
K → +TK
K → λ
T → FM
M → *FM
M → λ
F → i
F → (E)
and tried to parse i * (i + i)
. I am sure the LL(1) grammar is correct and the input string should be accepted but JFlap said that the string in rejected. (See screenshot). Why?
The grammar is fine.
However, you somehow entered it incorrectly. Notice that your parsing table has a λ column. That means that JFlap interpreted the λ as a character, not as an empty right-hand side, probably because you typed a real λ rather than letting JFlap fill it in automatically. You should just leave the right-hand side empty if you want an empty right-hand side. JFlap will then show that as λ but it won't treat it as a symbol.
By way of illustration, here are screenshots for the correctly entered grammar (with empty right-hand sides) and a grammar where I typed a λ instead of leaving the right-hand side empty. I stopped the second parse one step earlier than the error message, so that you can see the problem being reported: since M
does not have an empty production, it blocks the parser from recognising the +
Here's the correctly entered grammar:
And here's the one which I generated the same way that you did (if my guess is right). Note that it has a λ column in the transition table. You would also see it being handled differently in the FIRST and FOLLOW sets.
As a postscript, JFlap seems to handle most Unicode characters in tokens, but using a λ character as a token triggers a variety of bugs. So you shouldn't do that even if you intended the λ to be a legitimate character.